The Geek Diaries – Hong Kong 2024 – Day 16 & 17

Day 16 – 22nd March 2024

Finally near to the end of my posts of Hong Kong. It’s taken me three months – sorry had a lot of work to do when I came back, and then I just got lazy and went on more trips. Then my laptop keyboard decided to sink in (spacebar and alt button) and the R button not functioning properly, so I’ve now ended up using an external keyboard. LOL!

Back at my grandmother’s during my last full day. My aunt decided to make simple food… I think she still cooks too much! I was still full from the day before I guess, and I didn’t eat much that morning. Hahahahah!

I gave my aunt two music books for her to read and learn before she started learning the keyboard to play for my grandmother… She will have a lot to learn! My aunt and I gossiped a bit about MummyGeek’s side of the family. LOL. I even had my first ice lolly in over a year and a half.

After my visit, I went back to the hotel, and had a small cheap dinner of curry bread and a hot dog bun. (I miss curry bread right now!).

I packed and finished packing. Drank the remaining alcohol, and tried to go to sleep…

Day 17 – 23rd March 2024

I was awakened by Miss Pinky with a text… 😝 It was night time in the UK, but it was around 7am in HK… I wanted more sleep before I left. I guess it was meant to be.

I had my last pot noodle, which I was saving for when I was going to be hungry, but I’ve been lucky so far where I’ve not been too hungry (I did buy rice cake snacks from Marks and Spencer in the New Town Plaza one day, and have had those when I felt hungry) and banana milk. I found this original Korean banana milk in Ma On Shan in a supermarket, and bought two. It’s actually ok… but still prefer McD’s banana milkshakes.

I checked out just before 11am, and then took a busy airbus to the airport after check out. I had to stand all the way to the airport because I couldn’t load my suitcase anywhere on the racks… and everyone was sitting downstairs even though there were plenty of seats upstairs! So annoying… It’s the first time that I’ve experienced having to stand all the way on a bus to the airport.

When I arrived, I was too early, so I sat in a spot for about 2 or 3 hours reading “The Seven Year Slip” by Ashley Poston. It was such a slow beginning and I didn’t like the way the main character was a bit obnoxious at the start… I slowly began to like the book when the time slip happened. I think I had read more 7 chapters, and slowly went to look at the check in time. It felt like a long time… but I got there in the end!

Once I finally checked in, I went off to find food. I bought some sort of beef brisket noodles… with a soup and water… For HK$115… Expensive!!

I took a long walk towards my gate…

And found a Starbucks… I needed something cold and caffeinated to keep me awake for a little while longer…

Finally it was boarding time… and sat right at the back… I didn’t take pics of food on purpose, it was ok… AND I watched the final few episodes of Gourmet Affairs, the Taiwanese drama. It was so good! I don’t know why it’s not on UK Netflix, but I would so recommend this drama who likes detective stories, assassins and food!

I was back in Doha Airport for the second time. This time I came out from a different exit… I had only just noticed this cute creature!

And then a short nightmare began… there were so many security checks. It reminded me of Texas, where they had to rescan your hand luggage and all… Apparently my hand luggage had something inside that the person wasn’t sure of, so it was scanned like five times before everything was returned to me… Hmmm… over secure much. If HK said I was ok when I passed security, don’t you think I was ok?!

Towards my gate, I sat next to a nice lady who was also flying back to London… she said her neice worked in my workplace… but I didn’t know her obviously. Hahahah! The World is small enough for you to know someone who knows someone.

On the second flight back… It was quite unappealing. The TV monitors didn’t work, and I don’t know why the flight attendants kept coming to me asking if I could check my screen. I actually didn’t care. I just wanted to sleep and do nothing… Unfortunately it was a noisy plane…

I took a picture of this jam pot made with Stevia sweetner… where can I find this? It was so tasty! I managed to find blackcurrant sugar free jam in Holland and Barrett, but definitely would like to try more this Menz and Gasser brand.

Before we reached to the UK, I went to the loo at the back of the plane… managed to take a picture of the lovely clouds outside!

I finally landed, and I was mistaken for a Hong Kong BNO. 🫨🙄 That’s like the second time in three years that I was asked that. I said British passport. Do BNO’s go in a different line to the British one? No idea!

Anyway, I ended up walking a long windy path towards the e-gate, when others took the shorter path to the e-gate… Well I was actually lucky by walking in the long path. I had a short wait through the e-gate, whilst other people who took the short path waited longer… Hahahahah!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I could not stop laughing to myself… (more like smirking to those in the long queue).

The next part was waiting for my luggage, which suddenly popped in front of me. So many people waiting…

I took a black cab home, messaged everyone, even my manager. And I ended up working for an hour after getting home. Was so glad to be home, and to be able to sleep comfortably for long hours.

End of Day 17 and my trip to HK!

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